
Sunday, August 15, 2010

We adopted the dog! The application process wasn't as scary as I thought it would be, although we thought we might lose him when she said he might be over 25 lbs (Our lease only allows for less than 25 lbs). Other than that, everything went okay. My daughter was as patient as can be expected for a five year old, and became very defensive when the paperwork was being filled out and some other boy asked his mother for "our" dog. She was very quick to tell him, "He's ours, but you can adopt the other one...". After three hours of formalities, paperwork, and a short shopping spree for things that we might need but hadn't thought about, our puppy came home.

My daughter is so excited. He has proven to be a lot more work than she thought he would, though (of course). She has been a great help and has been lending a hand every step of the way. She helps feed him in the morning, and loves to go on walks with him. I think it's really teaching her about responsibility and caring for a loved one. She's happier now than she's been since we bought her that new Mario game for the Nintendo DS. :P

Anyway, here are some pics of our new additon, some of his things, and, according to my daughter, his sister.

I need some ideas for exciting things to do with my daughter...we bought some baby cucumbers from the farmer's market and are going to make pickles together! Yay! We'll see how they turn out...

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Oh my goodness Cheryl, he is so cute! I'm sure Angelina will be a wonderful big sister to Gunnar.
So, fun things to do with her - I look at this great blog when I want ideas for my niece and nephew. It's called the Idea Room. You can get to it through my blog. She has great things on there - for real. Just go and check it out!

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